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Minnie & Maisie M & M’s life in verse
M & M’s life in verse

I have a pair of poochons, what are they? I here you say
A pair of fancy slippers or new China on a tray?
Sounds like they may be smelly, the clue is in the name
Could it be room odour eaters? you know the sort I claim
You plug them in the wall, and leave them, and they just do their stuff
But OMG what’s that I hear, could that have been a woof?
Well, yes I reply, it was a woof and it’s a good job it wasn’t a moo
Because they’re lying on my bed, and as I said, there are two!
They’re only little balls of fluff, like little clouds on legs
And one of them is really clever she actually sits and begs!
I think we named her aptly, even though she can be crazy
Shes a terror on four legs at times is our itsy bitsy Maisie
She empties all my plant pots, of all life and any colour
Then stands beside the dirt strewn path and waits for me to holler
She’s proud as punch for what she’s done, I swear she smiles at me
I can’t be mad at her for long, she’s my little crazy Maisie
Breeders would call her a reject, in fact, she should have been on sale,
She has an undeniable, kink….on the far end of her tail
She struts around on guard patrol, with it poked up in the air
It looks like she carrying a deadly weapon, and then she growls like a bear
If people could actually see her when she’s lurking behind the fence
They would laugh out loud at this ball of fluff barking with all her strength.
Minnie is the complete opposite, in every sense of the word
She wouldn’t bark at other dogs, that would be absurd!
They may turn round and bite her, she wouldn’t take that chance
She would lay on her back, legs in the air, that would be her stance
She is like a little butterfly and floats when she moves around
She ballet dances down the path without a hint of sound
She was born a ‘runt’ the breeder told us, tiny and very skinny
It was love at first sight so I paid my dues, took her home and called her Minnie
She would nestle against my husbands neck, the place that she loved best
Now all grown up she doesn’t fit, so makes do just lying on his chest
She’s such a lovely natured dog and wants to please us all
She’s not into playing rough or even chasing a ball
I wouldn’t swap my two little dogs, not for a million pound
Life just wouldn’t be complete without these two around!
The end