Minnie & Maisie It’s Minnie’s birthday

It’s Minnie’s birthday

Minnie and Maisie- deanysdeanys.co.ukMinnie and Maisie - deanysdesigns.co.uk

It’s  the 30th of December 2015 and Minnie is 2 years old today.

Today we were going to have a lovely walk on the beach but the weather prevented us from doing this. Minnie and Maisie were a bit fed up but as usual Lola came to the rescue! She arranged a birthday party for them and made them both a beautiful party hat each. Minnie’s of course was extra special as she was the birthday princess.

As you can see from the photo’s they were really enjoying themselves!!

Minnie and Maisie- deanysdesigns.co.uk

Happy birthday to me

Minnie and Maisie- deanysdesigns.co.uk

Happy birthday to me

Minnie and Maisie- deanysdesigns.co.uk

Happy birthday to me ee

Minnie and Maisie- deanysdesigns.co.uk

Happy birthday to you

Minnie and Maisie- deanysdesigns.co.uk

Happy birthday to you

Minnie and Maisie- deanysdesigns.co.uk

Happy birthday to Minnie

Minnie and Maisie - deanysdesigns.co.uk

The beautiful party hats

One Comment

  1. Happy Birthday Minnie

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