Minnie and Maisie
Minnie and Maisie
click on a photo to open the chapter 🙂
M & M’s Story
Settling in
Minnie meets Maisie
Minnie & Maisie
I Love M & M
Growing up
M & M meet Patch
Lake District Pt 2
My Sleeping Beauties
M & M’s Christmas
It’s Minnie’s birthday
The barking bench!
Bottoms up!
Away for a week
Coming home
Maisie is 2 yrs old
The phantom curse
Garden visitors
Noses and ESP
T.V. Addicts
Sweet dreams
Agility training
Sneaky snatchers
Wash n Brush up
Beware of the dogs
M & M’s life in verse
Beautiful little girls ,so sorry about Patch rip little one.
Really enjoying reading your story and loved the video in the car where they are bouncing up and down,they are so cute in the little coats u made then ,i love all dogs myself i have 2 boxers and like you have always had 2 at time they have all been crazy ,i call them my angels ,Bella is my pure angel and Bonnie is my hells angel always up to somthing ,looking forward to reading the rest of your story tomorrow ,excuse my grammar
Marie x
Awww thank you Marie, I love all dogs too, I go gaga especially when puppies are around haha. How old are Bella & Bonnie? I love that …..pure angel & hells angel 😀 Maisie would be my hells angel. I love them so much, they make me laugh every single day about something, so that has to be good for the soul! xx
My little friends ❤️
So beautiful, lovely pictures x
Aww thank you xx