2018 Wall Of Winners
If you are a winner add your name and prize in the comments below and you will be added to the Wall of Winners. No Requests for answers, or submission of answers please on this page.
20th December ~ Peter Ogg won PS4 Pro 500 2TB Limited Edition Yay!!! x
11th December ~ Donna won £100 from True crime magazine Yay!!! x
6th December ~ Chris won £100 from T.V Times magazine Yay!!! x
15th November ~ Jacquie won £25 vouchers from Lovatts magazine Yay!!! x
15th November ~ Donna won £25 vouchers from Lovatts magazine Yay!!! x
25th October ~ Christine won £500 from Whats on TV magazine Yay!!! x
18th October ~ Maureen won £150 from Chat magazine Yay!!! x
18th October ~ Lynda wins again! £50 from The Express Yay!!! x
8th October ~ Lynda won £50 from Best magazine Yay!!! x
7th October ~ Jackie T won £50 from Chat magazine Yay!!! x
23rd September ~ Jackie won £50 from Real People magazine Yay!!! x
18th September ~ Irene won £200 from Bella magazine Yay!!! x
8th September ~ Mike won £50 from Love it magazine Yay!!! x
7th September ~ Chris won £50 from Love it magazine Yay!!! x
29th August ~ Jean won £25 from Pick me up magazine Yay!!! x
28th August ~ Chris Hall won £500 from Fiction feast magazine Yay!!! x
24th August ~ Davina won £25 from TAB magazine Yay!!! x
20th August ~ Toby wins again! £30 from Chat magazine Yay!!! x
18th August ~ Margaret O’neill won £25 from Mega snap Puzzle Yay!!! x
16th August ~ Sheila G won £100 from Take a Puzzle Yay!!! x
13th August ~ Donna won £100 from Express crusader Yay!!! x
9th August ~ Donna won £50 from Sunday People Yay!!! x
30th July ~ Jenny Johnston won £100 Yay!!! x
26th July ~ Ethel won £200 from Bella magazine Yay!!! x
19th July ~ Hilary won £200 from That’s Life magazine Yay!!! x
14th July ~ Midnighter won £250 from Take a Break magazine Yay!!! x
9th July ~ Suzanne won £25 from Take a Break magazine Yay!!! x
9th July ~ Lisa won £1000 from Thats Life magazine Yay!!! x
1st July ~ June won £50 of goodies from cardmaking & paper craft mag Yay!!! x
29th June ~ Marie won £50 from Love it magazine Yay!!! x
27th June ~ Chrissie won £100 from Chat magazine Yay!!! x
22nd June~
WOW Jane Harford won £3000 From That’s Life magazine Yay Yay Yay
31st May ~
WOW Emma Woodward won £3000 From TAB magazine Yay Yay Yay
31st May ~ Suzanne won £50 from Chat magazine Yay!!! x
10th May ~ Sharon won £50 from Love it magazine Yay!!! x
4th May ~ Ethel won £200 from Thats Life (online)magazine Yay!!! x
28th April ~ Eleanor Gudge won £250 from TAB magazine Yay!!! x
27th April ~ Toby won £100 from Best magazine Yay!!! x
26th April ~ Jackie D won £25 from Chat magazine Yay!!! x
26th April ~ Susan Won £100 from Take a Break magazine Yay!!! x
26th April ~ Kevin Won £27 from Take a Puzzle magazine Yay!!! x
21st April ~ Annette Won £200 from That’s life magazine Yay!!! x
11th April ~ Sheila Won £25 from Take a Break magazine Yay!!! x
7th April ~ Christine Won £100 from Thats Life magazine Yay!!! x
12th March ~ Jacquie Won £50 from The Daily Express Quiz of The Week Yay!!! x
5th March ~ Paula M Won £1000 from Chat magazine Yay!!! x
28th February ~ Jackie D Won £25 from Pick Me Up magazine Yay!!! x
26th February ~ Val Won £30 from Chat magazine Yay!!! x
23rd February ~ Marie Won £100 from That’s life magazine Yay!!! x
10th February ~ Christine Won £30 love2shop vouchers from Puzzlers magazine Yay!!! x
9th February ~ Fiona Won £500 from Chat magazine Yay!!! x
3rd February ~ Rachel R Won £150 from Real People magazine Yay!!! x
31st January ~ Toby W Won £25 from Real People magazine Yay!!!
31st January ~ Sheila G Won £100 from That’s Life magazine Yay!!!
27th January ~ Margaret Platt Won £200 from That’s Life magazine Yay!!!
22nd January ~ Carole Eaves Won £150 from Inside Soap magazine Yay!!!
19th January ~ Sheila G Won £100 gift card from Best magazine Yay!!!
18th January ~ Toby Won £50 from Best magazine Yay!!!
17th January ~ Jazzika Won £25 from Pick Me Up! magazine Yay!!!
16th January ~
WOW Jacquie won £3000 From That’s Life magazine Yay Yay Yay
13th January ~ Jan won £250 From Take a Break magazine Yay!!!
10th January ~ Julie won £25 From You magazine Yay!!!
4th January ~ June won £100 of Amazon vouchers Yay!!!
July 1st, from the 182, May edition of Cardmaking& papercraft magazine, prize of papercraft stash, worth over £50.00, first prize for ages, and very welcome, June.
Congratulations June, hope you have many more wins xx 🥂🍾🎈
Well done June that’s a lovely prize 😀 XX
Another £50 from Love It! find my cat, Postal entry.
Brilliant news Marie, congratulations xx 🍾🥂🎈
Yay well done Marie! I’m going to make sure I send my love it in every week from now on as you are doing so well with the mag well done 😀 xx
Well done again Marie. Bet that you cannot believe your good luck!!!
Thanks Deana just to let you know thanks to you and everyone I have just received a cheque chat mag issue 18 puzzle 23 I have won £100 hippee
Fabulous news Chrissie, really pleased for you xx🍾🥂❤️💐
Well done Chrissie, a lovely win 😀 xx
FABULOUS news Jane, congratulations xx 🍾🥂💐 🎈
£50 from love It Magazine, postal entry, £5 on the lottery Lucky Dip, and wanted to buy a pair of kids trainee chopsticks, last one in the shop but no barcode price tag… Gave it to me as a free gift…. not a lot I know but 3 lucky things in 1 day? really made my day.
Brilliant Marie, really pleased for you, congratulations xx 🥂🍾
Well done Marie, I’m really happy that you won as you help loads with answers. Also nice to see someone win again from love it as don’t see winners from this mag too often 😀 xx
Congratulations Marie. You really do deserve good luck. Jacquiex
WOW Emma, congratulations ! Fantastic news, I hope you have a great time spending all that lovely dosh🍾🥂xx 🎈 🎈
Congratulations Emma that is fantastic bet you’re thrilled, enjoy spending! 😀 XXX
Thank you very much just waiting for the cheque to arrive to get it banked xx
I received a chq today for £50. from Chat magazine for winning the Telly trivia comp. in issue 17. I’m still in shock! but also very pleased.
Many thanks to Deany for providing this site to us compers, and also for updating it. If Michael was still with us he would get a big thanks aswell.
Thanks also to the selfless contributors to this site for your help. Youre all stars.✨
(I would be well and truly lost without your site, Deany. Thank you so much.)
Congratulations Suzanne, well done 🍾🥂👍 thanks for your lovely comments xx
You’re very welcome as you deserve them,
as did Michael.xx
Thanks Suzanne, I can’t believe how much I have missed my site too! xx
Well done Suzanne that’s brilliant! Enjoy spending it 😀 XXX
Thanks Lynda. 😃xxx
Received a letter from Love It with a cheque for £50
Congratulations Sharon, well done I hope you get many more wins xx 👍🍾🥂 😀
Well done Sharon that’s fab! Also nice to see a winner of Love it on here as don’t see many 🙂 xx
Hi Sharon
Well done on your win, enjoy spending it.
Won £200 today in issue 15 of That’s Life. It was an online entry. Many thanks for keeping the site going. X
Well done Ethel, congratulations xx👍😀🍾🥂
Well done Ethel that’s a fantastic win 😀 xx
Hi Ethel
Well done what a lovely win especially as it was an online entry. Enjoy your winnings.
Congratulations to all the latest winners 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Thank you for answers.Won £250 in issue 11
Congratulations Eleanor WOW £250, well done 🥂🍾🎈xx
Well done Eleanor that’s a lovely win enjoy spending it 😀 XX
Wow well done toby that’s brilliant you’re doing well with best 😀
my lucky friday, just won £100 from best magazine issue 18 , my 4th win from best in under a year. good luck to other compers
Congratulations Toby, you’re on a roll!! 🍾🥂
Won £25 Chat issue 11. Entered online. 🍸
Congratulations Jackie, Well done, I’m sure everyone will agree that it’s good to know on line entries work too xx 🥂🍾
Well done Jackie that’s great 😀 xx
Thank you all for the answers. I received a cheque for £100 yesterday, from issue 14 Now 4 something different. Fantastic, as it was my birthday.
Well done Susan that’s a lovely win and on your birthday too enjoy spending it 😀 XX
Well done Susan, congratulations xx 🍾🥂🎈
Received a letter from That’s life today won £200 in Issue 14
Fantastic news, congratulations Annette xx 🥂🍾🎈👍😀
Well done Annette that’s great 😀 xx
Congratulations Annette 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Well done Annette enjoy your winnings
Sheila! Well done you have won again bet you were excited when you opened your letter and saw a cheque. You are on a great run keep it up, you may win the big one like Jacquie soon. Well done again 😀 xx
Hi Deany
Well the postman has just been and l have won £25 from lssue 12 of Take a Break. lts not much but its the third win in a matter of months YAY!!!!
Dear Sheila, A great big well done. Every win counts!! Jacquiexx😉🐶🐾🌹
Sheila!! You have won again a big well done! Bet you were excited when you opened your letter to see a cheque! You are on a great run, keep it up, you may have the big one like Jacquie next, well done again 😀 xx
Well done Sheila congratulations it may be the biggy nex txx 🤞🍾🥂🎈
Congratulations Shelia G 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
After years of doing competitions and not winning anything, this is my second win this year, £100 from Thats Life :))
Congratulations Christine 🍾🥂🎈
Well done Christine! You are on a winning streak, and you know what they say about good luck coming in threes, you may be on this page again this week 😀 xx
Thank you :))x
Well done Christine. You are certainly a winner this spring! Jacquiex
Congratulations christine 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Hi Jacquie
Well done you have won again !!!!
Yay !!!!!!
Thanks Sheila, Deany and Michael for well dones. Yes a more “realistic” win than my last one!!! Jacquiex
Wahey! Good news of £50 win in Daily Express. Am delighted…. Jacquiex
😲 wow, congratulations Jacquie, well done 🍾🥂👍😀
Hi Jacquie
Do you buy The Sun and Daily Express then?
Yes. I make sure I always do puzzles in Sun on Saturday and the Express on Friday and Sunday.
The icing on the cake came for me today when I opened Real People to get on with competitions. I found that they had published another of my compiled puzzles. Don’t think it counts as real win on wall, but nevertheless have £30 bonus coming. Blimey, how good does it get.
Your turn next…….good luck!! Jacquie
Hi Jacquie
l think it counts as a win Well done you !!!!! I don’t reckon l will win again for a while but u never know Ha
Thanks Sheila again. If it’s any consolation, both these wins were unexpected, so you never know ha is right!!
Hi Jacquie Simpson
lve seen your puzzle in Real People ha
Congratulations Jacquie 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Also for getting another of your puzzles published 👏 ( scroll down )
If you win that one, there may be a stewards inquiry 😉
Hi Steve, Thanks. All credit to the staff at Real People, they turned my scribble on notepaper into something worthwhile (please see People’s Puzzles page tomorrow ). The questions show my age, groan!!! NB. Like your sense of humour! Jacquiex
Hi Jacquie,
I saw your puzzle entry
I know what you mean about questions and age,
Trouble is I knew most of the answers lol 😃
Hello Steve, Lol is about right – very respectable ! Sssh! guess what?
Am lost for words, because I won a prize in Chat Crosswords yesterday. A Reference Dictionary!!!!! I do hope this does NOT get to wall of winners……..
Hi Jacquie
Well done, well you shouldn’t be lost for ‘words’ now with this prize 😀
I think I said to you before ‘make sure you get a lottery ticket’ with your luck you never know.
Hi Jacquie
I reckon your the same age as me as the
questions were from my era ha
Well done Jacquie, bet it was a lovely surprise, and also well done on having another puzzle published in real people, it definitely counts as a win! Like you, I also do the express puzzles every Friday, and have won twice once with words, and most recently (November) with ditloids, again very well done! 😀 xx
Thank you Lynda and well done to you on winning recent ditloids and the previous 2 words wins. I didn’t discover these competitions until middle of last year. Had quiz of the week win when I started so that was it, every week now!! Your wins inspire me to go on, thank you twice!!!
I won £1,000 on Wordsearch. Issue 4. After 15 years of doing magazine competitions, just about pay my stamp bill !! Seriously though, what a surprise.
Congratulations Paula 🍾🥂👍😀🎈
Hi Paula
Well done on your win . l also spend a lot of money on stamps when entering but it just shows you can win. Congrats
Hi again Paula
Meant to ask. Was it a postal entry or online entry ?
Huge congratulations to you, Paula, that’s brilliant! 😀 x
Congratulations Paula 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Won £25 on sudoku from pick me up! Thanks for your help.
Congratulations Jackie D 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Congratulations Jackie 🍾🥂
Have been doing CHAT puzzles since they first came out and have just had my first win – £30 – well it’s better than nothing
Congratulations Val, here’s to the first of many 🍾🥂🤞🏻😉
Well done Val, that’s great 🙂 x
Congratulations Val 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
£100 Blow-up competition, That’s Life Issue 4.
Congratulations Marie🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Karma for you Marie!! Well done!!!🎁👍🎉🎈Jacquiex
Woohoo well done Marie, congratulations 🍾🥂😀 xx
Hi Marie
Well done on your win yay!!!! Was it a postal entry or online entry?
Well done Marie that’s great 🙂 xx
Well done to all the winners on this page – gives me hope that maybe someday it will be me XX
Well done you Fiona, hope you treat yourself with it!🍻
Never won anything in my life before, even thought i do my comps regliousley every week, but had a nice £30 love2shop vouchers from puzzlers mag on saturday 🙂
Congratulations Christine 🥂🍾 free shopping trip sounds good to me 😉🛒🛍
Well done Christine, happy spending 🙂 x
Congratulations christine🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Congrats Christine, hope this is your first win of many!🎉🍺
Want to say thank you for all your help each week. I find i can do most puzzles, but guessing the blurred images of tv shows and films rather tricky. Anyway, a couple of days ago i received a rather lovely letter informing me that i had won £500. So yes, thank you guys for your help. And for those who may wonder, yes, it really is possible to win 🙂
Congratulations Fiona, proof again that it can be done ! 🥂🍾🎈
Congratulations Fiona🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Well done Fiona, that’s great 🙂 x
Congratulations to all winners, may your lucky streaks continue to cede plentifully.
Congratulations Rachel R 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Hi Rachel
Well done on your win from Real People. lts good to see winners from a different magazine. Enjoy spending it
I won £150 on the Whopper in real people. was a pleasant surprise.
Congratulations Rachel 🍾🥂👍
hi , ive won again from real people magazine , issue 52 £25
Hi Toby
Well done on your win lts good to see people winning from the Real People Magazine
Congratulations Toby🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Congratulations Toby 🍾🥂👍😀
Well done Toby, enjoy your win 🙂
Brilliant! Congratulations again! Jacquie🐶🐾🌹😉
Hi Everyone
Well the postman has just been and l have won a cheque for £100 from That’s Life magazine lssue 51 Yay!!!!!!
Well done Sheila, fantastic news yayyy xx 🍾🥂 😀👍
Thanks Deany
Well done Sheila. Keep up the good work, your luck is really shining! Jacquiex🐶🐾🌹😉
Hi Jacquie
l was waiting to hear from you ha That’s three times lve won since October Yay!!!!!!!! I probably wont win anything for a while now but you never know.
True, you never know what good news you will get in post from day to day. You have done really well this month. Your way of thinking- probably won’t win anything for awhile now – is exactly the way I’m thinking over my recent win! Nice to hear from you. XJacquie 🐶🐾🌹😉
Congratulations Sheila G🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Fantastic Sheila, that’s brilliant! Happy spending 🙂
Congratulations to all winners on this fab site a big thanks to deaney for keeping the site going
I`ve just won £200 in the Prize Pointers competition featured in Issue 1 of that`s life! I enter every week online and always wondered if I would have more chance posting my entry, but I will carry on online. Lovely surprise winning!
Congratulations Mrs P 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Brilliant news Margaret, the first of many wins I hope 👍🍾🥂
Hi Margaret
Well done on your win. lts a geat feeling when you win . lts good to know you can win when entering on-line. Good luck in the future.
I won £150 on Inside Soap….my first win of the year, thanks Deany
Congratulations Carole, well done 😀👍🍾🥂xx
Hi Carole
Well done on your win Bet your feeling very excited lts a great feeling
Congratulations carole🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Hi Deany and Everyone
Well the postman has just been and l have won a One 4 All gift card for £100 from Best Magazine Yay!!!!!!! Hope Jacquie reads this ha
Congratulations Shelia G 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Well done Sheila, that’s great!
Very well done Sheila – see, never give up hope!!! I bet you will await postman now with eager anticipation. Looking at the wall of winners each day is so inspiring. Enjoy your spree, again!!!!! Love Jacquiexxx🙆👍🎁🎁🎁🐶😉
Superb Sheila, well done 🍾🥂👍congratulations
£50 cheque today from best magazine issue 46, my third win from best in 4 months hurrah
Superb Toby, congratulations 🍾🥂😀
Well done Toby. I bet you look out for postman now!!! 😉 Jacquie
Hi Toby
Well done with your win from Best magazine.
Congratulations Toby 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Well done Toby, I won twice a few weeks apart last summer 🙂
Hi, I won £25 from Pick Me Up! Thank you everybody for help
Dear Jazzika, Well done and enjoy your treat!😋. It is nice to see a win from Pick Me Up on this wall of winners. Jacquiex
Congratulations Jazzika 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Congratulations Jazzika 🍾🥂😀
Cheque arrived for £3000 yesterday – Wahey!! Was very, very, very lucky enough to win Big Cash Crossword in That’s Life issue 49. Still getting my head round it!!! Jacquiex🐶
Hi Jacquie
Wow how great is that !!!! Congrats you have won a few times with That’s Life magazine. Was it a postal entry or on line? lm gonna win the big one ha
Can you remember when Take a Break had the car competition. l wonder why they replaced it with the £10.000.00. Happy comping Jacquie, bet you can’t stop smilingx
Dear Sheila, Thank you for good wishes. Often a true word spoken in jest – I believe you will win big competition in the future!
Entry was postal, as always. Can’t remember when TAB had car competion. This win was enough for me. Love Jacquie🐶
Hi Jacquie
l must of been doing Take a Break over 20 years. l wonder if any one else remembers the car competition. Have you banked your cheque yet? ha
Woohoo super duper news congratulations Jacquie, Un cork the champers we’re all on our way round 😂🥂🍾
Dear Deany and Michael, Thanks for posting my win and sending well done. You’re welcome around to celebrate, but it will be a long journey from Bridlington to the Sussex coast!! Extra good luck to you both. Love Jacquiex🐶
Wow Jacquie.
That’s fantastic 🍾👏 Enjoy your winnings 💷😊
What a great start to the Year.
Now I know what you meant with ‘watch this space’
Thanks Steve.🙆 At least now my husband John has stopped complaining about the cost of stamps and magazines each week!!!
I hope everyone will still go on to register lesser wins on this wall, because as Michael and Deany say ” a win is a win”. Look forward to seeing your name on wall in future ( hey, you might be 10 grand winner in TAB!!)😋 Love Jacquiex🐶
Hi Jacquie
My husband laughs at me entering all these comps and lm the one always going to the Post Office for stamps so l know what you mean ha
Wow Jacquie that is fantastic a huge well done to you! I will keep entering the comps and hopefully I will be lucky one day too. Bet you are over the moon with your win, well done again!
Thank you Lynda. Keep trying, I’m sure you will be lucky one day soon, they say it comes to all those that wait. Definitely am not under the weather, but over it, sun and moon combined!!! Good luck for the future. Love Jacquie🐶x
Hi Jan
Well done with your win from Take a Break. Did you enter on line or was it a postal vote?
That’s a good start to new year Jan!! Enjoy your prize and congratulations. Jacquiex🐶
Well done Jan, great news xx 🍾🥂😀
Yes, congratulations Jan 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Won £30 for compiling a puzzle in Real People this week. However, this might not count as win in your eyes! Jacquiex
Hi Jacquie
Maybe not a ‘Win’
But still a great achievement 🍾 😊 Congratulations.
Ditto, well done Jacquie 👍
Thanks Deanyx😉
Hi Kacquie, it does count as a win, and £30 is great, well done! Do you mean a reader’s puzzle like in Chat where you compile a 4×4 grid and the shaded squares spell out another word, or did you just send in a puzzle of your own? I will have a go if its an easy reader’s one like the chat one 🙂
Sorry meant Jacquie didn’t spellcheck befpre I pressed send oops
Dear Lynda, lol at my new name. With Real people or Take a Break puzzle selection for the people’s puzzles, they like newcomers and you can send in any puzzle you like that you have made up. Worth doing, even one like the chat 4×4. Do please have a go!!! Sorry I haven’t replied until now. Was trying not to dominate Deanys website!! Love Jacquie
Congratulations Julie 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊
Your A’s counting must have been correct that week 😉
Dear Steve,
Thank you for your kind words- much appreciated. Hope good luck is on your side for this year. Love Jacquie. PS. Watch this space!!!
Congratulations Julie 🥂🍾xx
Thank you Deany – love your support <3
Congratulations June 🍾🥂
Well done June – enjoy your win, I love Amazon, I could spend all day on it 🙂 great prize!!!
Thank you Deany, if I can help with anything that I have completed, I will certainly post it to help others, best of luck in all YOU do, and thank for your past help .
Congratulations June 🍾 Enjoy your winnings 😊