That’s Life Issue 4
Suggested Answers
Please put your suggested answers For Thats Life magazine in the Comments box below, Please do not put “questions or other comments” below as it clogs up the answers, thank you 🙂
When listing your suggestions, please can you include the closing date too. Thank you
Thank so much to all contributors and for giving your time so freely. Really appreciate your help.
Thanks Ron
Much appreciated. Good luck.🙌🏻🍀🤞
My thanks to Chris and Ron for enabling me to check the answers, I agree with both. The first puzzle I do is the Sudoku, I love it. Not fond of Spot the Difference, can’t see well enough.
Please could someone point out the difference in square B1, I just can’t see it. I can only see out of one eye now and can barely decipher dark pictures. Thank you.
It’s hard to explain. Top right hand about a third of the way along. The pink flower on the top grid is just a splodge on the bottom one.
Thank you, Maureen. I can see it now, just about!
Thank you for your help I completely messed up Pile Up, I just don’t know what happened that’s usually the easiest one to do.
Thanks to all who post answers here. I always look to check my answers are right and to check ones I just cannot do (eg: Soduko). Good Luck All.
Thank you all my answers match
Good luck x
I will leave that thank you ,I buy the magazine and since mum passed and we can’t help each other out I come on here for the ones I can’t do so many thanks
Thank you Chris and Ron, my answers match yours.
Answers are not showing
Yes they are.
What answers do you have or are looking for?
Anthony, A Please or a Thank you would have been nice, there’s no need to be so rude?
We are all volunteers here who actually buy the magazines and share our answers.
If your in such a hurry? I suggest you do the same. Not the only page you’ve been rude on today either???
Thank you.
1 Meditate
2 Platty Joobs
3 Brilliant
4 Barklife
5 Peaceful
6 Hinder
7 Blame
8 B2
9 755
Suggested answers issue 4 closing date 10-2-2025
thx chris im hopeless at sudoku
Margret, i too am useless at soduko but I found a free online soduko app and I use it so I can enter all the competitions in my mags x
4/ 2025
ISSUE 4 (In by Monday 10th February)
1: Meditate
2: Platty Joobs
3: Brilliant
4: Barklife
5: Peaceful
6: Hinder
7: Blame
8: B2
9: 755