Chat Issue 5 2025

Chat Magazine issue 5

Suggested Answers

Please put your suggested answers For Chat Magazine in the Comments box below,  Please do not put “questions or other comments”  below as it clogs up the answers, thank you




  1. Hi Ed,
    Sorry to hear that you have been in Hospital, I’m glad that you are now back with us and communicating with us, take care and get plenty of rest, thank you to Lizzie and Avril, for your answers, as I was able to match mine with both of yours, good luck to everyone 👍👌🤞.

  2. Huge thanks everyone. 🍀🙌🏻🍀🤞

  3. Chat Answers issue 5 closing date 11th February
    1… 44724
    2… Quoits
    3… Prince
    4… Pink Cushions and Pink Throws
    5… 1 c, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2C
    6… Wild
    7… Avocado
    8… Chappell Roan
    9… Gretna Green
    10… Mace
    11… Rosalind
    12… 594
    13… Earmuffs
    14… Wakanda
    15… Reeve
    16… A Lot of Pea Cocking
    17… Sydney
    18… The Corrs

  4. Hope you’re feeling better soon Ed. It will be good to see your posts again. I think everyone has missed you being on here, not just for the puzzle answers, but for the friendship you bring to us all.

  5. Sorry to hear you are poorly Ed, do hope you will be better soon. Sending best wishes. xx 😘 💕

  6. I noticed in Puzzle 16 Codebreak that the answer is a one word answer. The answer given us correct bilut dont know whether to put it as a one word answer (which looks silly) or a four word answer which makes sense. What does everyone think ?

  7. Wishing you well soon Ed, big hugs to you x

  8. Can anyone tell me the anagrams for the Word Jumble. I have got the answer but can only work out three of the anagrams (Brisbane, Launceston and Adelaide). Thanks in advance.

  9. Thank,you both for the answers

  10. Issue 5
    Closing date 11th February
    1. 44724
    2. Quoits
    3. Prince
    4. Pink cushions and pink throws
    5. 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2C
    6. Wild
    7. Avocado
    8. Chappell Roan
    9. Gretna Green
    10. Mace
    11. Rosalind
    12. 594
    13. Earmuffs
    14. Wakanda
    15. Reeve
    16. A lot of peacocking
    17. Sydney
    18. The Corrs

  11. Where’s Ed
    Hope he’s ok

  12. Frederick Woodworth

    Come on Deany – where are you? (Frown)

  13. Puzzles 5

    puzzle 1 44724

    puzzle 2 QUOITS

    puzzle 3 PRINCE


    puzzle 5 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2C

    puzzle 6 WILD

    puzzle 7 AVOCADO

    puzzle 8 CHAPPELL ROAN

    puzzle 9 GRETNA GREEN

    puzzle 10 MACE

    puzzle 11 ROSALIND

    puzzle 12 594

    puzzle 13 EARMUFFS

    puzzle 14 WAKANDA

    puzzle 15 REEVES

    puzzle 16 A LOT OF PEACOCKING

    puzzle 17 SYDNEY

    puzzle 18 THE CORRS

    • Many thanks Martin, fell asleep doing them last night, my answers all match yours except for Puzzle 15, I get REEVE (It’s a 5 letter answer not 6, maybe a slip of the fingers on your keyboard lol?)

  14. Anyone know any answers please ?

  15. No solutions

    • Anthony, A Please or a Thank you would have been nice, there’s no need to be so rude?
      We are all volunteers here who actually buy the magazines and share our answers.
      If your in such a hurry? I suggest you do the same. Not the only page you’ve been rude on today either???
      Thank you.

      • Frederick Woodworth

        My comment was, of course, said totally in jest. I’m 100% reliant for your answers on the sudoku. I stumbled upon this site by chance. Until then I’d have o leave it blank. Thanks Deany, You’re a gem. You ALL are ::-)

      • I agree with you Marie.

        Good luck 🙂

    • You do them or next time say please or thank,you
      Instead of expecting others to appease you

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