Creamed spinach & mushroom smothered chicken

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Creamed spinach & mushroom smothered chicken

Ingredients :

  • Chicken breast portions (1 for each person)
  • Grated mozzarella cheese (2 handfuls)
  • 350g mushrooms (or more)
  • 2 or 3 Chopped garlic cloves
  • ½ bag frozen spinach
  • Big knob of butter or oil for frying
  • Seasoning to taste


Preheat the oven to 200°c /FAN 180° /GAS 6 and place the chicken portions in a large ovenproof dish and flatten them out a bit. Cover loosely with foil and bake for 30 mins.

Chop up the garlic and add to a large frying pan with butter or oil. Slice the mushrooms and add these too and gently fry.

Place the spinach in another pan and add ½ cup of hot water and turn on to a medium heat. When softened remove and drain well in a colander.

Remove the chicken after 30 minutes and drain off any excess fluid. Add the spinach over the top and season, I use garlic salt and pepper. Then lay the mushrooms on top and finally the grated mozzarella.

Turn the temperature down to 180°/FAN 160°/GAS 4 and place the dish back in to bake uncovered for approximately 20 minutes or until nicely browned. If you like the topping crispy then leave it another 10 minutes, the chicken will not be dry as its under the spinach and mushroom. Then serve with rice, potaotes, chips, mash, garlic bread or just vegetables. I serve mine with roasted carrots.

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homemade creamed spinach & mushroom smothered chicken -        homemade creamed spinach & mushroom smothered chicken -

homemade creamed spinach & mushroom smothered chicken -        homemade creamed spinach & mushroom smothered chicken -

homemade creamed spinach & mushroom smothered chicken -        homemade creamed spinach & mushroom smothered chicken -

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