Desk extension
I have so much stuff in my craft room it’s bursting at the seams!
Every drawer is filled, every shelf is stacked tight and bit by bit my worktop working area was getting less and less as more and more stuff came to rest there.
It didn’t help that Minnie & Maisie like to lie on their cushion nosing out of the window.
Then my wonderful husband ( I always call him this because he really is fantastic at DIY) came up with a brilliant idea! …..a desk extension. I had my doubts because I really couldn’t see how it could be extended! The room is only small, it used to be a bathroom that we converted. Then when he came in with a triangle shape spare bit of worktop I really thought he had a screw loose this time! But…. what he did with that small piece of triangular offcut was amazing. I’m so impressed and it took very little time to do. For such a small extension it has made a massive difference.
This is what he did:
He screwed three flat pieces of wood to the underneath of the worktop. Making them so they turn out of the way when the extension is taken away. Then the extension piece also had two slats of wood to the base.
When this is fitted, the slats go under the worktop and the extension is resting securely on the other slats. The positioning of the slats under the worktop and under the desk have been placed so that it doesn’t move.
Its hardly taken away any space but has increased my working area loads!

Three slats screwed as supports

The slats can be turned

Extension has 2 slats screwed securely

What a difference!