Ribbon tree

handmade christmas ideas - deanysdesigns.co.uk

Ribbon tree

A simple hanging tree decoration that was made from a length of spare ribbon some beads.  Easy to make, great for the kids to have a go at 🙂

My ribbon was 45cm long x 4cm wide.

I started by folding it in half length ways then brought each side down to another fold (see photo)

Then pin in place before sewing a running stitch up the whole length.

Fold once after about 5cm and sew a bead on the bottom, threading your needle through to sew the next layer. Fold again after about 10cm and sew another bead matching the one below. Gradually make your way to the top, adding a bead on each fold directly in line of the one below.

At the top you can add a little contrast ribbon to hang it from…done 🙂

handmade christmas ideas - deanysdesigns.co.uk        handmade christmas ideas - deanysdesigns.co.uk

handmade christmas ideas - deanysdesigns.co.ukhandmade christmas ideas - deanysdesigns.co.ukhandmade christmas ideas - deanysdesigns.co.ukhandmade christmas ideas - deanysdesigns.co.uk20161109_145817-800x450

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